December 21, 2020

When we think about planetary transition, several questions arise about the current moment. Are we where we should be in relation to evolution? Faced with the doubts that arise when we observe people that are still involuted, was there a mistake in evolution? Despite the technological revolution, did humans fall far short of a soul revolution? Prem Baba, who has always been a profound scholar of the mysteries of life, admits that the issue is complex and requires attention.

 “My intention is to shed light on this phenomenon that is taking place on the planet, which is a change in global culture, and to offer knowledge so that people can go through this cycle with more sweetness, because this transition causes suffering”, explains Prem Baba.

Prem Baba recalls the meaning of the word Parivartan – a great change – that is daily evoked in the prayers of the Hindu tradition in order to expand consciousness and perception and translates into a new way of living. “The prayer ends by saying Dayalu Bhav Se Ho – may it be sweet, soft.”

Furthermore, Prem Baba says he cannot tell if we are where we should be. “I know we are where we can be, but this is not where we would like to be. Looking at the world around us, we realize a reality that is not pleasant for most people. The world vibrates with great cruelty”, he laments.

For Prem Baba, we do not choose to be where we are in a conscious way. He considers that there wasn’t just one mistake – but many of them – regarding evolution due to the fact that free will is limited and filtered by a dysfunctional ego. Even when we have a power of choice, it’s a choice that is born out of a dysfunction.

“I could talk here about many of these misconceptions, such as, for example, a misunderstanding about how to deal with health. This is one of the pillars that support the evolution of consciousness. At some point, we began focusing on the disease instead of focusing on health”, says Prem Baba.


Because of these mistakes, in Prem Baba’s view we direct a lot of energy, knowledge and money in the development of medicines to treat diseases that generate more diseases.

“With this, we have generated a vicious circle that is extremely harmful to the evolution of consciousness, because we became hostages to the disease and solidified a belief, which is a dogma that deviates us from reality and from the truth of who we are and what we came here to do”, points out Prem Baba.

“Our attention goes outward and we continue to feed the idea that we are a body, distancing ourselves from the truth that we are spiritual beings living in a material body, living an adventure in matter. This is one of the mistakes that needs to be corrected. At some point, we’re going to have to look at it up front. ”

Similarly, another mistake is to believe that happiness is out there and that it can be bought. “You have been led to believe that happiness depends on what you have and not on what you are. This is a big mistake that structured many of our groups and instruments of socialization. These instruments organize life in society such as, for example, education, politics and economics. At the same time, this system is often being sustained by this misunderstanding, and they feed one another”, highlights Prem Baba. 

The main misunderstanding, however, is what Prem Baba calls underestimating the power of the shadow. “Observing most of the spiritual transmissions that have been granted to humanity, all have disregarded the power of the shadow. All of them talk of an evil that is out there from whom we need to protect ourselves, of a demon that we need to defend ourselves against. It’s a big mistake, and because of this inattention to where the evil really is, we become hostages to it. Evil is the one who commands our choices and decisions”, reveals Prem Baba.

In fact, it’s true that many attempts to change this game were made with the arrival of several masters showing the way of liberation. But the fact is that, until today, only a few have been able to listen to it and put it into practice. Prem Baba believes, however, that we are experiencing a rare moment nowadays.

“In my researches within the inner world, I’ve noticed that another chance like this was only possible seventy thousand years ago, when in fact a cognitive revolution happened and the human being developed abilities such as imagination and cooperation, which were the ones who got us here”, recognizes Prem Baba.


Prem Baba understands that we are before an opportunity that was provoked by the technological revolution –perhaps the fourth or fifth wave – that is happening at breakneck speed.

For Prem Baba, “in a few years we will look back and we will not recognize this world, especially due to the technology of information and the internet of things that are changing the way we live in the world”. “We’ve been developing great power through technology that can either assist us in an evolutionary leap or can destroy us, depending on who uses this power. I believe that we are far behind a revolution of the soul or, as I prefer to say, a revolution of consciousness.”

In the meantime, Prem Baba remembers that every revolution must be provoked and that we are here provoking this revolution. “The revolution of consciousness is happening. This revolution allows us to get to know our dark side in such a way that we are no longer held hostage to it so that we can enlighten love”, emphasizes Prem Baba. 

From the same point of view, Prem Baba reiterates that the main mistake was that we had distanced ourselves from the heart. “It was necessary to develop reason and scientific determinism, but today we are ready to go further. For example, where does evil come from? If we look at it from the perspective of neuroscience, we will see that certain destructive behaviors, such as suicidal tendencies or murder, are linked to some problems in the brain”, he explains.

Just to give an example, Prem Baba recalls a research about a person who had committed murders, manifesting an absurdly cruel and destructive character, and who had a brain tumor. When the tumor was removed, that person was pacified.

“The tendency to cruelty was caused by the brain tumor. However, this is only one aspect of the truth. Why and what caused the tumor? There can be several explanations: genetic inheritance and another series of influences”, says Prem Baba. “In essence, the power of the Self is not being able to express itself due to psycho-emotional conditioning. What generates diseases is exactly this power of the Self that is contained due to conditioning. It’s the distance from the Self that causes diseases, so much so that people approach health when indeed becoming aware of their secrets, of the things they cannot even tell themselves. Shame is a gateway to real healing, to reach the cause of the imbalance. ”


For Prem Baba, we are living in a rare moment in which we have the possibility to take a leap. But this depends on the commitment we assume with the opening of the paths so that this power of the Self can express itself. “The power of the Self is what I have been calling love. The disease is contained and restrained love. This is what has been causing all the distortions in all fields”, he adds.

Another point noted by Prem Baba is that before we were not mature enough to handle our shadow. “We were led to believe that the evil was out there, but it is within us. Evil is what divides, what separates, what hurts. Today, we are already in a position to be able to look at this. As a result of this recognition, I have been focusing on this subject. For those who approach me, I say: in the beginning, direct your energy and your time to investigate the saboteur of happiness. Who in you is locking your heart? Who is it in you that is committed to destruction?”

In his experience, Prem Baba says that a person who collaborates with this revolution of consciousness can become a channel of love and as this person starts loving those around them, they start to irradiate this feeling.

“In this cycle of time, contrasts are more visible, we see black more black and white more white. In fact, this will continue to be accentuated, so it’s very important to know how to navigate this turbulent sea because of the contrasts, the polarizations, especially the most sensitive people”, reports Prem Baba. “It’s necessary to have discipline to do your spiritual practice and dedicate yourself to your studies as something as important as eating and cleaning yourself. Otherwise, you are consumed by this energy vortex. ”

In this evolution of consciousness, we have been facing an “update of the system”. Some are even experiencing symptoms of this update, such as: insomnia, reactions in the brain, fainting feelings, unexplained pains (in joints and bones), waves of despair and panic unrelated to the current life situation.

“These are experiences that can only be called transpersonal: you feel your body expand, decrease, and experience the craziest dreams you have ever had. This is all part of this update of the system. I am only mentioning some of the symptoms. This will certainly require you to change your diet, your routine and other changes. In fact, progression will require several things to make your body vibrate at a more subtle frequency”, warns Baba.


Prem Baba exemplifies that, by experience, the sensation is to be living in two worlds simultaneously – sometimes more than two. “You are in heaven and hell almost at the same time. These are all symptoms of this transition. In this way, handling it means not freaking out, not going crazy. Because the soul is expanding at a speed that your body cannot cope, it does not understand what is happening. It’s likely that, because of this, you can sometimes experience somatization, get sick without knowing where the disease comes from or why”, says Prem Baba.

We cannot deny that the revolution of consciousness is taking place. This is what will pave the way for a new way of living on Earth; a new way to organize ourselves socially.

“Note that the evolutive challenge is to love one another and be friends with each other. We have to feel equal, regardless of the differences, since they are superficial. We have to be able to look beyond this shell”, says Prem Baba. “The number of people committed to the awakening of love is growing every day. However, I understand those who get discouraged when they look around and see so much cruelty, so much ignorance, so much evil. Even so, it’s important to stand on the love and forgiveness that pulsates in you and trust that they will win and that this cruelty that is manifesting is part of this purge”. 

You have come this far on your journey, so now it’s worth reading about the maturation of the human being and the beginning of the search for the truth. In this text, Prem Baba makes use of some fundamental references in this search. Read it now!